File:Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert -- 2018 -- 9701-3.jpg

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[edit]DescriptionDülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert -- 2018 -- 9701-3.jpg |
Deutsch: Vorbereitungen zum Open-Air-Konzert des Dülmener Sommers bei Wiesmann Sports Cars, Dülmen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
English: Preparations for the open-air concert of the Dülmen Summer at Wiesmann Sports Cars, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Čeština: Zevnitř osvětlená výstavní hala německého výrobce automobilů Wiesmann na výstavišti Wiesmann gecko připravená pro závěrečný koncert Dülmener Sommer 2018, Severní Porýní-Vestfálsko, Německo
Español: Preparativos para el concierto al aire libre en el ámbito del Dülmener Sommer 2018 («Verano de Dülmen 2018»), en Dülmen, Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Alemania
Français : Préparatifs pour le concert en plein air L’été Dülmener 2018, à Dülmen, Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne
Magyar: A Wiesmann kiállítóterem (Wiesmann gekkó) megvilágítása a Dülmener Sommer 2018 zárókoncertjére (Dülmen, Észak-Rajna-Vesztfália, Németország)
Italiano: Il salone di esposizione della Wiesman illuminato per il concerto finale dei concerti estivi (Dülmener Sommer) a Dülmen in Germania
Македонски: Вајсмановата сала каде се одржува фестивалот „Дилменско лето“ во Дилмен, Северна Рајна-Вестфалија, Германија
Nederlands: In de Wiesmann Gecko werd in 2018 het laatste optreden van de Dülmener Sommer gegeven
Polski: Iluminacja hali wystawowej Wiesmanna (tzw. „gekon Wiesmanna” od kształtu przypominającego gekona) podczas finałowego koncertu z cyklu Dülmener Sommer w 2018 roku w Dülmen, w Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii, Niemczech.
Português: Iluminação do pavilhão de exposições Wiesmann para o concerto de encerramento ao ar livre do Dülmener Sommer 2018 («Verão de Dülmen 2018»), em Dülmen, Renânia do Norte-Vestfália, Alemanha
Українська: Підсвічування виставкового центру Wiesmann з нагоди фінального концерту на події Dülmener Sommer 2018. Дюльмен, Північний Рейн-Вестфалія, Німеччина
Address InfoField |
Location InfoField | ![]() |
Depicts InfoField | open-air concert and Dülmener Sommer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technical Specifications InfoField |
Image data InfoField |
Date | Taken on 17 August 2018, 21:28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Source | Own work | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Author |
creator QS:P170,Q34788025 |
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Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert -- 2018 -- 9701-3” / CC BY-SA 4.0
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IV. Contact
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Permission InfoField |
Attribution (required by the license) InfoField | Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert -- 2018 -- 9701-3” / CC BY-SA 4.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short URL InfoField | , (Shortlink) |
Keywords InfoField | Abend, Animal, Architectural photography, Architecture, Architektur, Architekturfotografie, Außerhalb der Ringe, Auto, Automobil, Available light, Available light photography, Bauwerk, Bild des Tages, Blau, Blaue Stunde, Blue, Blue hour, Building, Bunt, Colorful, Dämmerung, Dämmerungsfotografie, Dekoration, Deutschland, Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Dülmen-Mitte, Ereignis, Erholung, Event, Event-Fotografie, Exzellentes Bild, Fahrzeug, Farbenfroh, Fauna, Featured picture, Fotokunst, Gebäude, Germany, HDR, HDRI, HDR-Image, HDR image, High Dynamic Range Image, Hochkontrastbild, Innenansicht, Innenaufnahme, Interior view, Kreativität, Kreis Coesfeld, Kultur, Landfahrzeug, Langzeit, Langzeitaufnahme, Langzeitbelichtung, Licht, Long exposure, Münsterland, Nacht, Nachtaufnahme, Nachtfotografie, Natur, Night, Night photography, Night shot, Nordrhein-Westfalen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Photo Art, Photographic Art, Picture of the day, Qualitätsbild, Quality image, Road, Sommer, Sport, Sportwagenmanufaktur Wiesmann, Stadt, Straße, Straßen und Wege, Street, Tier, Tone-mapped HDR image, Transport, Unternehmen, Vehicle, Veranstaltung, Verkehr, Westfalen, Wiesmann, Wiesmann GmbH, Wiesmann Sports Cars, Wirtschaft, 2018 |
Object location | 51° 50′ 39.79″ N, 7° 17′ 29.38″ E ![]() | View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMap | ![]() |
Camera location | 51° 50′ 40.07″ N, 7° 17′ 34.25″ E ![]() | View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMap | ![]() |
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NOTE: For this image, at least three individual images were combined as a High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) and tone mapping (or as an exposure fusion (pseudo HDRI)) and were thereby processed digitally. Therefore, this picture may not reflect reality exactly in every detail. |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 16 September 2019. It was captioned as follows: English: Illumination of the Wiesmann exhibition hall (Wiesmann gecko) for the final concert of the Dülmener Sommer 2018, the since 1989 first as Dülmener Sommertheater offered street theater. Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Other languages:
Deutsch: Illumination der Wiesmann-Ausstellungshalle (Wiesmann-Gecko) zum Abschlusskonzert des Dülmener Sommers 2018 in der Blauen Stunde Der Dülmener Sommer bot als Dülmener Sommertheater erstmals 1989 Straßentheater eine Bühne. Dülmen im Münsterland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland English: Illumination of the Wiesmann exhibition hall (Wiesmann gecko) for the final concert of the Dülmener Sommer 2018, the since 1989 first as Dülmener Sommertheater offered street theater. Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Español: Preparativos para el concierto al aire libre en el ámbito del Dülmener Sommer 2018 ("Verano de Dülmen 2018"), en Dülmen, Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Alemania. Italiano: Il salone di esposizione della Wiesman illuminato per il concerto finale dei concerti estivi (Dülmener Sommer) a Dülmen in Germania. Magyar: A Wiesmann kiállítóterem (Wiesmann gekkó) megvilágítása a Dülmener Sommer 2018 zárókoncertjére (Dülmen, Észak-Rajna-Vesztfália, Németország) Nederlands: In de Wiesmann Gecko werd in 2018 het laatste optreden van de Dülmener Sommer gegeven Polski: Iluminacja hali wystawowej Wiesmanna (tzw. „gekon Wiesmanna” od kształtu przypominającego gekona) podczas finałowego koncertu z cyklu Dülmener Sommer w 2018 roku w Dülmen, w Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii, Niemczech. Português: Iluminação do pavilhão de exposições Wiesmann para o concerto de encerramento ao ar livre do Dülmener Sommer 2018 ("Verão de Dülmen 2018"), em Dülmen, Renânia do Norte-Vestfália, Alemanha. Македонски: Вајсмановата сала каде се одржува фестивалот „Дилменско лето“ во Дилмен, Северна Рајна-Вестфалија, Германија. |

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File history
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Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 13:44, 15 October 2018 | ![]() | 6,389 × 3,594 (13.16 MB) | XRay (talk | contribs) | cyan optimized |
17:21, 20 August 2018 | ![]() | 6,389 × 3,594 (13.68 MB) | XRay (talk | contribs) | meta | |
17:15, 20 August 2018 | ![]() | 6,389 × 3,594 (13.68 MB) | XRay (talk | contribs) | Uploaded with LrMediaWiki 0.8.0, LR 7.4 Mac |
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File usage on Commons
More than 100 pages use this file. The following list shows the first 100 pages that use this file only. A full list is available.
- User:XRay/Temp
- Commons talk:Photo challenge/themes/Archive
- File:Aachen, Kiosk am Markt -- 2016 -- 2814.jpg
- File:Bredevoort (NL), Markt -- 2018 -- 1844.jpg
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- File:Detzem, Hausdetail -- 2015 -- 7531.jpg
- File:Detzem, Hausdetail -- 2015 -- 7532.jpg
- File:Detzem, Hausdetail -- 2015 -- 7533.jpg
- File:Detzem, Hausdetail -- 2015 -- 7534.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Alte Brennerei Löhning -- 2015 -- 8464.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert -- 2018 -- 2.jpg (file redirect)
- File:Dülmen, Haus Osthoff -- 2014 -- 4391-5.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Anna-Katharina-Emmerick-Gedenkstätte -- 2018 -- 1386.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Anna-Katharina-Emmerick-Gedenkstätte -- 2018 -- 1387.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Anna-Katharina-Emmerick-Gedenkstätte -- 2018 -- 1388.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche -- 2018 -- 1390.jpg
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- File:Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche -- 2018 -- 1423 (Instaheiligkreuz).jpg
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- File:Dülmen, Kirchspiel, Borggrevenhof -- 2015 -- 5603.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 2640.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 2641.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 2642.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 2643.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 2644.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 3329.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 3334.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 5532.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 8088.jpg
- File:Dülmen, Lüdinghauser Tor -- 2014 -- 8089.jpg
- File:Dülmen, St.-Viktor-Kirche, Innenansicht -- 2018 -- 0596-8.jpg
- File:Düsseldorf, Neuer Zollhof -- 2015 -- 8130.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Quarzwerke, Werkzeughalle -- 2014 -- 4057.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Werkzeughalle der Quarzwerke -- 2015 -- 01117.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Werkzeughalle der Quarzwerke -- 2015 -- 4447.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Werkzeughalle der Quarzwerke -- 2015 -- 4997-5001.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Werkzeughalle der Quarzwerke -- 2015 -- 5003-7.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Sythen, Werkzeughalle der Quarzwerke -- 2015 -- 5026-2.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Wasserwerk -- 2014 -- 8915.jpg
- File:Haltern am See, Wasserwerk -- 2014 -- 8926.jpg
- File:Hamm, ehem. Zeche Radbod -- 2014 -- 8846.jpg
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- File:Heiligengrabe, Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Abtei, Dachgeschoss -- 2017 -- 9902.jpg
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- File:Heiligengrabe, Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Abtei, Dachgeschoss -- 2017 -- 9904-10 (bw).jpg
- File:Heiligengrabe, Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Abtei, Dachgeschoss -- 2017 -- 9918-24.jpg
- File:Heiligengrabe, Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Abtei, Dachgeschoss -- 2017 -- 9918-24 (bw).jpg
- File:Kopenhagen (DK), Copenhagen Admiral Hotel -- 2017 -- 1712.jpg
- File:Kopenhagen (DK), Innenhafen -- 2017 -- 1702.jpg
- File:Kopenhagen (DK), Kastell von Kopenhagen, Kommandantgården -- 2017 -- 1757.jpg
- File:Köln, Hohe Domkirche St. Petrus, Türgriff -- 2010 -- 2983.jpg
- File:Köln, Hohe Domkirche St. Petrus -- 2014 -- 1864.jpg
- File:Lübeck, Heiligen-Geist-Hospital -- 2017 -- 0386.jpg
- File:Lübeck, Historische Gerichtslaube -- 2017 -- 0476.jpg
- File:Lübeck, Holstentor -- 2017 -- 0295.jpg
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- File:Münster, Prinzipalmarkt -- 2014 -- 4516-20-2.jpg
- File:Münster, Prinzipalmarkt -- 2014 -- 4521-5-2.jpg
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- File:Winterswijk, Haus -Drost Paschen- -- 2017 -- 0242.jpg
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This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. The timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong.
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 5D Mark IV |
Author | Dietmar Rabich |
Exposure time | 16/5 sec (3.2) |
F-number | f/10 |
ISO speed rating | 400 |
Lens focal length | 27 mm |
Latitude | 51° 50′ 40.07″ N |
Longitude | 7° 17′ 34.25″ E |
Altitude | 85.8 meters above sea level |
Label | Dülmen, Dülmener Sommer, Open-Air-Konzert |
Short title |
Copyright holder |
Date and time of data generation | 21:28, 17 August 2018 |
City shown | Dülmen |
Horizontal resolution | 300 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 300 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 7.5 (Macintosh) |
File change date and time | 15:42, 15 October 2018 |
Exif version | 2.3 |
Date and time of digitizing | 21:28, 17 August 2018 |
APEX aperture | 6.6438561438561 |
DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 93 |
Color space | sRGB |
GPS time (atomic clock) | 19:27:39.91 |
GPS date | 17 August 2018 |
GPS tag version | |
Serial number of camera | 123055001038 |
Lens used | EF24-105mm f/4L IS II USM |
Owner of camera | Dietmar Rabich |
Date metadata was last modified | 17:42, 15 October 2018 |
Unique ID of original document | 2952F1DE0303B046D602483D3E2B6F87 |
Copyright status | Copyrighted |
Keywords |
Contact information |
Province or state shown | Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Country shown | Deutschland |
Code for country shown | DE |
IIM version | 4 |
Structured data
17 August 2018
3.2 second
27 millimetre
51°50'39.8"N, 7°17'29.4"E
6,389 pixel
3,594 pixel
13,795,520 byte
51°50'40.1"N, 7°17'34.3"E
- Dülmener Sommer
- Events at Wiesmann Sports Cars
- Gecko (building)
- Automobiles in Dülmen-Mitte
- Blue hour in Dülmen-Mitte
- Buildings during blue hour in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Dusk in Kreis Coesfeld
- Illuminated buildings in Dülmen
- Automobiles in Kreis Coesfeld at night
- Interior lighting in Kreis Coesfeld
- Colorful lighting
- Dark skies in North Rhine-Westphalia
- 1 automobile in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Long exposure photographs of Kreis Coesfeld
- Long exposure photography in architecture
- 2018 events in Kreis Coesfeld
- Summer 2018 in Dülmen
- Automobiles in Germany photographed in 2018
- Buildings in Germany photographed in 2018
- Buildings with addresses
- Information field template with formatting
- CC-BY-SA-4.0
- Pictures of the day (2019)
- Featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons
- Quality images
- Commons featured widescreen desktop backgrounds
- Self-published work
- Images by XRay (flat list)
- Changes of XRay's photographs of the recent weeks
- Tone-mapped HDR images of buildings in Germany
- Tone-mapped HDR images of Dülmen-Mitte
- Dülmen photographs taken on 2018-08-17
- Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS II USM
- Photographs with aspect ratio of 16:9
- Exposure time 3.2 sec
- F-number f/10
- ISO speed rating 400
- Lens focal length 27 mm
- Uploaded with LrMediaWiki
- Featured pictures of buildings in Germany
- Featured pictures of Dülmen
- Featured pictures with long exposure
- Featured night photography
- Quality images of buildings in Dülmen-Mitte
- Quality images of events in Dülmen
- Quality images of twilights
- Quality images with long exposure
- Quality night photography in Kreis Coesfeld
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Architectural photography
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Available light photography/Blue hour
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Available light photography/Night
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Dülmen
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Long exposure
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Tone-mapped HDR images
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Year/2018
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Featured pictures
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Featured pictures of Germany
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images of buildings
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images of events
- Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images of North Rhine-Westphalia